Dr. Samuel Hahnemann thinking a mischievous thought.

DR. BOLI WAS delighted to discover that a number of homeopaths were attracted to his articles for World Homeopathy Awareness Week, and that some of them left comments that can only be described as original treatises on the subject. This is flattering in the extreme.

Some of these essayists took the opportunity to correct certain popular misconceptions about their science. For example, Dr. M. Rizwan Ali writes:

In homeopathy as i mentioned before there is no specific medicine for a given pathological condition so a homeopath each time has to select a appropriate,unique drug for each & every pt based upon his unique symptomatology(its like discovering a new drug for a given pt suitable to his unique constitution)…

This, incidentally, is why, if you walk into a natural-foods store and purchase a homeopathic cold remedy, the box, when you open it up at home, will be found to contain a tiny, highly miniaturized homeopath.

Sarah Walder of “The Truth About Homeopathy” believes that we should all play nicely together, which is a sentiment with which Dr. Boli heartily agrees. She points out an unassailable fact:

People who visit homeopaths are getting better. We can see this through the many case studies.

This is indisputably true. Dr. Boli would like to point out that, in addition, there have been times when he sat in a comfortable armchair drinking Yunnan tea and got better, and he believes he may have hit upon a useful and profitable complementary therapy.

For the last word, we return to Dr. Ali, who reveals the important connection between homeopathy and Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein, who less than a century ago completely shook the foundations of the vision of the universe, the concepts of gravity, space and time, concepts which were strongly rooted in the scientific world, since the time of Euclid and Newton. Yet, as always happens in these cases, he was not believed by the scientific community of his time. similarly homeopathy which contradict some of the scientific concepts of present generations is not believed by present scientific community.

Dr. Boli would add that, since Einstein lived to see himself widely regarded as the preeminent scientific mind of the age, whereas Dr. Hahnemann (the discoverer of homeopathy) is still awaiting that honor more than a century and a half after his death, the injustice is even more monstrous.

Published in: on April 17, 2010 at 10:02 pm  Comments (12)  

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. “Homeopaths Without Borders, is a non profit 501c3 humanitarian organization.

    “Our mission is to provide humanitarian aid, homeopathic treatment and education by serving as partners with communities in need.”


  2. In fact, it was only the Nobel Prize’s keen ability to go against the grain and grant Einstein a medal in 1921 that launched them as the preeminent award in so many fields. Before that the Ptolemy Society was the only body whose awards were recognized by the major scientists.

  3. Hah. I new Einstein. He was a jerk.

  4. Drs Abbott and Costello once had a discourse on this type of reasoning. Dr. Costello had espoused a theory which Dr. Abbott felt lacked merit, asserting that Dr. Costello’s idea was crazy.

    Dr. Costello responded: “Oh, yeah? They said Galileo was crazy! They said Einstein was crazy! They said LUIGI was crazy!”

    Dr. Abbott was disconcerted: “Luigi? Who was Luigi?”

    Dr. Costello: “Oh, Luigi’s my uncle – he really IS crazy…”

  5. Real is scientific homeopathy. Evidence-based homeopathy medicine for everyone

  6. How about english grammar lessons for everyone?

    Strong is the homepathic force, with this Nancy. Her mitichloryons are off the scale.


  7. Studies in support of Homeopathy published in reputed journals

    1. Scientific World Journal

    2. Lancet

    3. Neuro Psycho Pharmacology
    http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v27/n2/abs/1395862a.html // Bacopa Monnieri for memory

    • Dr. Boli is delighted to discover himself in some very good company, as this comment was apparently posted on a number of other electrical publications dealing with homeopathy. One writer who received it has done us the favor of looking up the papers cited and telling us what he found in them:


      • Ah, but Dr. Malik has had the last word on the subject, as (thanks to the wondrous multiplicative powers of the intertubes) she always does:

        Just because a study is 19 years old, that do not change the fact that homeopathy is not effective.

        I think someone owes Dr. Malik a little “Touché” here, hm?

  8. Triple Blind studies, Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews & Meta Analysis, Evidence-base

    130+ studies in support of homeopathy medicine published in 52 peer-reviewed international journals


    Medicines for specific disease conditions, Ultra-molecular dilutions, Structure & Memory of Water, Animal Studies, Plant Studies

    • Did I say Dr. Malik would have the last word here? Nay, she has had the later-than-last word on the subject!

  9. Evidence of homeopathy is undeniably positive and consistent. It’s a human evidence of experience, gathered from a real-world observation in a real-world setting (not in an ideal artificial laboratory) giving real-world solutions.

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