Dumont Network: Midas Welby, D.O. (medical drama). Dr. Welby is arrested for battery and affray after six people at the same party ask him whether an osteopath is a real doctor.

The Brimstone Channel: The Jesus Show, with the Reverend Bob-Bob Lee (religion). Tonight: The Rev. Bob-Bob condemns the pagan excesses and lurid commercialism of Catholic parish festivals. Also: More stories of prayers answered through the Rev. Bob-Bob’s Miracle Prayer Mats, available for only $19.95.

Northern Broadcasting System: Stones of the City (crime drama). This latest entry in the vampire-building-inspector genre follows the adventures of Sam Ionescu, inspector for the city of Washington (Penna.). Tonight: When an article in the local weekly points him out as a suspected vampire, Sam finds himself mobbed by teenage girls wherever he goes.

Metromedia: Al ’n’ Me (comedy). The wacky adventures of best buddies Alexander and Hephaestion as they look for new worlds to conquer. Tonight: Hephaestion tries to sneak in a few conquests of his own on the side. But what will happen when Alexander finds out?

Golf Network: The Golf Show (golf). Lorena Ochoa and Tiger Woods perform composer Ruthven Mophandle Heyser’s Duet Sonata for Mashie and Niblick.

Baldwin Borough Community TV: Baldwin Borough Council Meeting (public affairs). Tonight: Council debates the question of the Aristotelian idea of the self versus the Cartesian.

Wolf Broadcasting Corporation: Fries with That (reality). The hot new reality show that takes ten new college graduates, puts them in dead-end jobs, and leaves them there forever. Tonight: In conversation with the other waiters, Connor is excited to discover that he can deduct wire-bound memorandum books as an unreimbursed business expense.

The Lawnmower Channel: The Violet Menace (yardwork). Homeowners tell horror stories of this ruthless invader; one botanist’s promising success with Agent Orange.

Science Central: Amazing Animals (documentary). Tonight: Startling new proof that, if unicorns did exist, they would be pink with rainbows on their flanks.

Published in: on August 10, 2009 at 4:04 pm  Comments (5)  

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It’s probably not wise to go giving the networks such ideas–the shows they come up with on their own are quite frightening enough. Last night they were advertising a show in which they walled off a neighborhood, turned off vital utilities, and waited to see what happened.

  2. Hey, that was MY neighborhood that was walled off. You mean that people are now going to FILM what goes on? Well, there goes the backyard Cow Bingo.

  3. Of all Dr. Boli’s continuing features. this is possibly the one I love most. I wonder whether Dr. Boli is aware that someone: thought that Alexander the Great would be a good subject for a TV series; succeeded in getting a pilot made (though not aired until years later); and cast WILLIAM SHATNER as Alexander.

    • I just had a sudden vision of Alexander the Great selling Priceline.

      • Alexander’s sidekick was Adam West as Cleander. What a pair, Batman and Captain Kirk. They are probably both relieved that this tape hasn’t surfaced for a few decades. Another reminder to all aspiring actors to be careful what roles you accept on the way up the ladder to stardom.

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